School Health » Start of School Survey- 2020/2021

Start of School Survey- 2020/2021

Dear ACS Families,

We are beginning to plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.  Administration, in partnership with teachers and staff representatives, will create a plan for how schools will address the needs of students next school year.  Details about what learning looks like next year will depend on a variety of factors as well as guidance from local and state agencies.  As a result, we will put together several scenarios that will address social distancing requirements to keep our students and staff safe while also supporting student learning.

To prepare the various start of school scenarios we want to understand your intent to return to school and gain an understanding of your family’s feelings about starting the new school year.  Please take a few moments to answer the following survey questions.

ACS plan to issue iPads to PreK-2nd students and laptops to 3rd-8th students.  In the event, distance (at home) learning is required for any of the 2020-2021 school year, please answer the following questions to help us prepare to support your student(s):


Start of School Survey