Special Education » Special Education

Special Education

The Athens City Schools offer a variety of programs to best fit your child's learning needs.
If you have questions about these programs, contact Molly McLean, Supervisor of Special Education, at 423-745-1516.

Intervention Services for At-Risk Students

The Athens City School District makes every effort to locate, identify and evaluate children that might be in need of educational services. A multitude of programs are available for children with specific learning needs. Each school offers Title I services, special education services, language instruction programs for children with limited English proficiency and services for homeless and/or migrant children. Each service is different and tailored to the child's specific needs. Referrals to these programs may be made by anyone who suspects a child is homeless, at-risk for school failure, or in need of special education services.

Enrichment/Gifted Services Program

The Athens City Schools provides a comprehensive Gifted Services Program to our identified students. This program follows all guidelines established by the Tennessee State Department of Education.

A universal screening is conducted in fourth grade to determine which students meet baseline criteria to be evaluated for the gifted program. Additionally, parents, teachers or any community professional may refer a student for screening. A multi-disciplinary team of educational professionals considers screening information, previous evaluations, and teacher and/or parent input to determine if a more comprehensive evaluation is needed. The team’s decision is based on multiple data sources. All procedural safeguards are followed to ensure evaluation procedures are non-discriminatory.

Child Find

Athens City Schools System is responsible for developing and implementing procedures for creating public awareness of special education programs in their jurisdiction. Athens City Schools will locate, identify, and evaluate all (including gifted) public and private school children, with disabilities, including religious-school children and home-schooled students residing in the jurisdiction of the LEA in accordance with 300.125 and 300.220 of the Federal Register. In an effort to comply with this law, Athens City Schools requests that any individual or parent contact Mrs. Molly McLean, Supervisor of Special Education, at the Athens City Schools Central Office. You may call her at 423-745-1516. A meeting will be scheduled to determine and define any need for services.

Publication Notices